quarta-feira, 10 de outubro de 2012

Como não se vê todo o dia um "Invocar Leproso" numa carta de Magic, fui procurar a história por trás do card. Tá aí:

A man travels to Mecca regularly and knows the way well. One day, in a mosque in al-Qâdisiyya, he meets a man suffering from black leprosy. The leper voices his intent to travel together with the man to Mecca. The man refuses, but the next day he sees the leper again in 'Aqaba, and the following day in Arafât. In this way the leper keeps traveling before him, and when the man listens to the sermon in Mecca, the leper is already there. Out of surprise, the man faints, and when he wakes, the leper is gone. A few days later the man meets him again and is granted a wish. The man has three wishes. that he will love poverty, that he will never lie down at night with provision assured to him, and that he will be able to look upon the face of God. 

Now the first wish has been fulfilled. 

This tale is contained in the Egyptian manuscripts and the early pinted editions, except Breslau. 

(The Arabian Nights Encyclopedia, Volume 1 By Ulrich Marzolph, Richard Van Leeuwen, Hassan Wassouf)

Congratulações à Wizards pela sinergia entre a carta e o efeito, já que é de péssimo gosto, mas perfeitamente crível. Abraça um leproso pra tu ver o que acontece...

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